North Florida Sports - FAQ
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What if I can't travel with my player? 
Players who travel without a parent will be required to pay for their portion of the hotel and/or transportation cost. In addition, funds must be provided for meals. All travel cost fees must be paid in full prior to traveling for those players traveling with a coach. Hotel costs are players/parent’s responsibility.

Are fees refundable?


Will my player get equal playing time?
Unlike community recreation leagues, players will not always play equal time in every game. However, coaches will make EVERY effort to ensure every player plays substantial minutes during a tournament. Scrimmages and smaller local tournaments will be used to give players plenty of opportunity to earn playing time for the bigger tournaments. There are anywhere from 3-5 games per tournament depending on performance and playing time can change game to game. Playing time is earned by attendance AND performance at practices as well as in the game. It’s up to each coach how much playing time each player receives. Circumstances such as foul trouble, match-ups, in-game situations and end-game scenarios may dictate different amounts of playing time. Coaches will make “crunch time” playing decisions based upon who will give the team the best chance to win. Through all of that, EVERYONE WILL PLAY.

Where are practices held? For how long?
Each team will practice at least twice a week for 1.5 hours each session. Practices will be held at Fleming Island HS, First Family Church Orange Park, YMCA (Barco newton and Dye Clay), Green Cove Springs Jr HS, and other approved locations. There may be some practices scheduled on Fridays or Saturdays, with prior notice to team members.

How many tournaments will my players get to play in?
Tournament fees will cover 7 scheduled tournaments. This fee does not include tournament fees for any additional state or national events a team may qualify for and the team chooses to attend. Our travel schedule includes tournaments throughout Florida and neighboring states.

Are uniforms included?
Uniforms (reversible top & shorts) are ordered once the team rosters are set. The uniform fee is the full cost of the uniform and becomes the property and responsibility of the player. If a uniform is lost or stolen, a new uniform must be purchased at the players expense.

What is included in fees?
Season fees include: Coaching, administrative, and facility rental fees. Uniform and tournament fees.